I am struggling with addiction to suboxone & got sober

I am struggling with addiction to suboxone & got sober a year ago & im trying to get back to where I was last year at this time im open & hoping for some sober Friends to help me find myself again


I would talk to your doctor about it. Advocate for yourself. Ask about lowering your dosage and then maybe consider something like Naltrexone. I’m on that and it truly helps and works. Admitting it’s a problem is the first step and I’m proud you’re aware of that. That takes strength. You can slowly come off of it. I wouldn’t suggest cold turkey because there will be withdrawal symptoms

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Sending love, I just detoxed from alcohol and it was a terrible experience but it was so worth it. I'm also slowly weaning off of benzodiazepines, it takes time. You've gotten some good advice, I agree with the suggestion above, talk to your doctor about slowly lowering your dosage.

I get them from a family member. My insurance won’t cover Dr visits or medication

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Do you know how to lower your dose yourself? Maybe look it up and see if there's a method you could use.

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Cold turkey off Suboxone sucks...I was sick for a long time bc I took that poison for YEARS!! I went from being addicted to pain killers, to being addicted to Suboxone. My dr wouldn't lower my dose bc he "didn't want me to relapse" after 6 years!?!?!?!? Nah, you just wanna keep me sick and paying your bills you sadistic pr1ck! You can do this, a lot of friends of mine have done it too! Praying for you brother! :pray:t2::pray:t2:

As someone else said there is info on line that can assist you in your taper. I tapered for a really long time and just took the plunge when I got to the smallest amount. It wasn’t too bad other than the leg spasms that lasted for a week. It takes a good 10 days for the physical part to end but totally doable. I suggest you have a really good support system in place that can help you through it. I am wishing so much luck in your journey. It is so worth it to be off of it and totally clean today! I have 7 months off suboxen