I am struggling with alcohol no doubt, but not necessarily

I am struggling with alcohol no doubt, but not necessarily ready to put a label on anything. I’m only 25 so the whole thing feels scary. I had a bad few weeks of bingeing (had some sober days during those weeks but few and far between) and am currently experiencing pretty intense withdrawal. Anxiety that is making me go out of my mind. I called a few hotlines and was told to NOT quit cold turkey, but instead slowly titrate down until I can go without. Wondering if anyone had a similar experience and has any tips? I don’t know what amounts to be drinking? On a bad binge day, I would have up to 10 drinks. What am I supposed to be drinking now and when do I safely lower it? How many days did it take you? I am so happy when sober, I just am trying to get there safely.

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Meetings. Zoom or in person. Best suggestion I can throw your way. No easy path. First you have to admit you have a real problem to yourself. Then the answers will follow.


Meetings and try to just keep your self busy

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I agree with the replies above. Meetings helped me a lot. Once I stopped drinking, my anxiety was insane. I learned to sit thru it. It eventually passed

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Coming off alcohol can be dangerous. I had to drink a quart before I even stopped shaking. Then I went to the hospital then rehab

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If you fell you need help get it.try one or two meetings a week .then do more meetings.

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10 drinks a day is luckily not to crazy for an alcoholic. Don't let bei g young try to stop you, I feel like I would have had a much better time if I had decided to try and clean up five years later. A drinking babysitter sometimes helps while weaning off. Explain your situation to a friend, hang out with a friend and have them count the drinks instead of you, so you can get a buzz but have less in your system than normal. Cutting out 2 drinks at a time helped me a lot. I'm still struggling but now I have broken down my tolerance enough to never need more than 4 drinks. I still actively think about it but it's not such an energy suck as it used to be. DOES or alchihol withdraws are dangerous. Be careful, if you feel weird medically at all don't mind asking for help from a doctor at a walkin clinic(Never the ER!!! All they got there is stigma). Simetimes a bag of saline is all your body needs. Honestly a 25 year old who wants to cut back on drinking avoids most of the stigma of other addictions when trying to talk to a doctor. As long as the doctor isn't an alcoholic as well who starts acting weird as when you bring up sobriety.

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Benedryl helped with my anxietys. Now I'm trying different meditation sites. If still drinking I would say cut in half what you drank the day b4. But im no Dr

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