I am struggling with managing response when irritable. I do

I am struggling with managing response when irritable. I do feel a difference since I’m not drinking, and I’m on my psych meds, but I don’t understand why i get so irritable so quickly. I have a drs appointment in the morning.

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I'll tell you what helped me the most in my early withdrawal- it was finding new things to do.

Exercise, music, hobbies, even going for a very very long walk- whatever that looks like for you might help you regulate emotions without the alcohol


Got to keep your mind busy! Try to stay busy get new hobby, or sleep or go to meeting! :slight_smile:
You got this :slight_smile:

Hey Kenny
All the suggestions you got are good suggestions, here's the psychology of it all when we put down the substance of choice it's like we are mourning the loss of a friend which leaves a void in our life. And, just like losing a person we experience all the present feelings that you're currently experiencing. The solution to filling that void would be to attend plenty meetings and meet new people in retrospect you saying goodbye to an old friend hello to new friends and Recovery to start your new way of life well good luck I hope this helped.

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My first couple months I was so irritated. It will pass. Keep busy. I worked and after work, meetings or the gym. And pray - talk to God
One day at a time