I am struggling with my anxiety and ptsd just want

I am struggling with my anxiety and ptsd just want to drink not feel anything


Hi Carrie, when my mental health hits hard, I try to stay busy. Attending a meeting, TV, a book, my favorite is Mario Kart. Early on in sobriety I found a good mental health provider and we work together to find a combination of medication that works best for me.


Play the tape to the end… what happens if you drink. Sure you may have a temporary reprieve, but how will you feel after that? What’s it going to take to get over the shame? More drinking… is it really worth all that? Or like Chris said… go to a meeting, read a book, call a friend. You can get through it! We are all hear and have your back!


Hi Carrie! Drinking isn’t going to solve the issue. We have to find new solutions to our problems! I’m here if you ever need/want to chat

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Exercise. Goodbye anxiety!

Hey Carrie, how long has it been since your last drink? If I didn’t work a program along with my sobriety my anxiety would be off the charts. Having said that anxiety and ptsd exist in sobriety still. Have you looked into mental health? I struggle with ptsd myself. I take Wellbutrin and Lexapro, have a therapist, am very involved in AA and spend time on physical fitness. It feels like a lot of work at times but the result is so much better than when I was out there using and drinking. Do you mind sharing some of your story? What actions your taking to not take that drink?

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