I am struggling

Romantic Relationships are an incredibly troubling for me.


Me too!!! This is really bothering me lately as well. Add me if you wanna chat about it.:confused:.

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If you’re rejected, expect it. If you’re unloved, let go. If they choose something or someone over you, move on. Not everyone you love will stay. Not everyone you trust will be loyal. I don’t care about people who don’t want to be in my life anymore. I have lost people who meant the world to me. And I’m still doing just fine. Always speak how you feel, and never be sorry for being honest. You may not be able to control every situation, and its outcome. But you can control your attitude , and how you deal with it. Do good, and it will come back to you in unexpected ways, be happy with what you have, while working for what want. Remember some things have to end for something new to begin.


Relationships are difficult for everyone that wants a quality relationship. It takes effort. So many just bail if it becomes difficult.
Hang in there. This too shall pass.

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Dating in 2024 is like getting sushi at a gas station. :face_vomiting: Focus on bettering yourself the right person will notice.


First of all thank you for sharing James

Is this really tough when we first get into recovery if we get into a relationship. I suggest for my new Sponsee to at least do their best to give their selves at least six months of total absence. Relationships, sexual and emotionally.

That way they only have to control the emotions of their self they do not have to worry about feelings and emotions of someone that they are sexually or emotionally involved connected with. It’s easier to work the steps. If you’re only dealing with one personality.

This is my opinion only

Sorry to hear bro! Maybe a break front romance is a good idea. I did that, decided to start dating after my birthday, and now I'm in a wonderful relationship with the girl I have been waiting for! Anyway, the break was good so I could work on me.


A guy in a wig and sunglasses is telling me to be honest. Just kidding love the profile pick thanks for your time I appreciate your honesty

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That was a Halloween costume. I was Kenny powers lol. I personally am real as real can get. I’m 3 years sober from alcohol, 5 years from chewing tobacco.

I try not to be a goof ball but sometimes I can’t help myself lol. Sometimes laughter is medicine and Im very blunt. I identify as a Christian, white straight male, unvaccinated, un-woke, gun owner, meat eating, American. Happily married for the last 13 years, I’m happy because she says I’m happy. But I’m always in anyone’s corner in recovery. And I’m always available for an open ear.

They told me no relationships in my first year