I am trying my first 30 days booze free and

I am trying my first 30 days booze free and love the idea of going longer. Maybe permanent. However that terrifies me. I am a very social person and don’t want to lose friends or feel left out because I’m not drinking. I have many things coming up socially and already thinking of how I will pretend like I’m drinking. Is this normal???

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It’s normal to feel uncomfortable around those using. Not normal in sobriety to be hanging out with those using tho. Either want sobriety or don’t. Half measures never work. You’re either an addict or you’re not. If you think you have a problem using, most likely you do.

I order a Perrier water and don’t care. It’s none of my business what other people think. I’ve had people ask why I don’t drink and I either tell them that I’m allergic to alcohol (I break out in handcuffs), or that I’m training to be a Mormon (a little humor deflection). Sometimes the green bottle somehow makes me more approachable.


I love this!! It’s crazy how people get very intimidated by someone that chooses to go alcohol free on many social occasions.


Hey Kelly! FOMO is a big one but when you realize people won’t (and shouldn’t) love you just because you drink or not, you can make real connections. I recommend The 30 Day Alcohol Experiment by Annie Grace and her book This Naked Mind to walk you through being alcohol free for 30 days. She addresses this very issue. Good luck! :sparkling_heart:

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It’s because of their own fears and insecurities - which we have no control over.


I bought them! Loving it so far!!!

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Tons of eye-opening information! :sparkling_heart:

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I mean I am SHOCKED!!! I’ve been drinking ethanol basically for I don’t know how many years. So eye opening and I don’t think I’d be able to have a drink without thinking about how terrible it is for us.


A Shirley temple always works. Just make sure they put the cherries on top of the ice.

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