I apparently got violent with my husband last night when

I apparently got violent with my husband last night when I came to bed, In front of my toddler. I have had a drinking problem since, well as long as I can remember, and I’m almost 40. I did IOP at the beginning of Covid and it helped me stay sober for 4 months. I’ve never gotten violent before, I guess my alcoholism is just progressing. I need to stop again but really really do not want to go to rehab again. I don’t need medical detox. My withdrawals are not that bad. I loathe AA. What are some suggestions I can use to keep myself accountable?


There are other programs other than AA. Try one of them.

I used AA in my first 18 months to get sober. I probably didn't hate it as bad as you, but I just got out of it and started SMART Recovery. I also still have sober people from AA I talk to. I don't know, but to me it sounds like you are desperate. You might need that rigid structure in the beginning. Then when you've got enough sobriety time, you can decide to find something else.

Oh, I also love podcasts too. Check out "The Bubble Hour."

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There's SMART Recovery. You could find an addiction counselor.

Is there a reason u don't like A/A.. if you don't feel comfortable saying it's ok...I've allways had a love hate relationship with A/A and the people...but I've learn that I'm doing it for me not noone else take what you need and leave the rest...we all trying to recover the best we can

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AA has kept me honest and sober. What do you hate about AA?


Check out Cafe RE . Private online facebook recovery group with daily zoom meetings . Will also show you were other members are in your area if you want to meet up .

Outpatient treatment
It really helps me 86 days sober when I thought it was something impossible
I was in detox twice after that went back or even worse
I went to jail 3 times i have 3 dwi i lost my job my car I lost everything
But for the first time in my life i am working the program i have my sponsor who is helping me a lot

Sober sis group! Can’t say enough about it! Sober since Halloween!

I have been in AA a long long time, if there is anybody that tried rejection of the program and hated it in the last 30 years it was me, It was waiting for me, when I was ready, I have fallen and got back up so many times, AA has been the difference..