I been on MAT for 3 years now and want

I been on MAT for 3 years now and want off really really bad. I'm tired of doing it. It effects my weight. By not having an appetite. I lose before I even gain. And it's so hard to gain. I'm tired period, depending on MAT everyday because if I don't have it, I'll be sick. The same cycle... I've told my Dr I want off but seems like it don't make a nevermind. Tell me friends, how can I stick to lowering my dosage(1/2) daily and build that willpower? It's hard...

Get a new doctor. A doctor that serves your best interest to get off MAT and all other drugs for that matter.
Be proactive. It’s your body, your life and your sanity.

Do you have a sponsor? Are you working the steps?

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