I been sober a little over 3 months now but

I been sober a little over 3 months now but I can’t stop stealing from my job it’s crazy I know it’s wrong and I could loose my job any advice out the to help would mean a lot……

Find a Cleptomaniacs And Shoplifters Anonymous group asap. You’re switching from one addiction to another. This type of move can go dark very fast and not only lead you to being fired but jail time. Seek out help and therapy. Find new hobbies something positive to shift away from your addictions instead of creating new ones

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Did this start or get worse when you stopped drinking?

I stopped then stared back at it recently I used To be a really bad thief in my addiction I’m on my forth step and have started slacking in my recovery Sense I got my job but I really love my job but I’m not showing it very well.. crazy , sad really..

It’s great that you have a few months of sobriety! It’s no surprise that we switch from drinking to other compulsive obsessive behaviors. Are you working your steps with a sponsor? Let’s get back to doing the little daily things that you did when you first got sober. Did you learn to pray and meditate? Were you asking for help with your drinking and other behaviors? You’re not the first to have such issues. You’re just having a hard time processing all of these emotions and feelings. These obsessive compulsive behaviors are a sign that you need to go back and work steps 1, 2,and 3 again. This is going to have to be a one day at a time deal. You’re a good person going thru some difficult times, and your disease is acting up. :pray::peace_symbol:❤‍🩹

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Thank you all so much for the suggestions I love it I’m going to really work at this with all my heart my God bless you and keep you.. Truly Grateful..

You apparently have two addictions, plz get help. Losing your job, going to jail, and slacking on your recovery. There has to be help for your stealing. If you got caught and fired you may start drinking. Plz get help.