I can do this

I can do this


You got this friend. Thoughts and prayers go out to you from Chicago


Thank you. It's muchly needed and appreciated

I believe in you!

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You can do this !!!!!!! :pray::pray::pray::pray::foot:

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Love u girl!!!!!!

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Yes, you can!

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Yes, you can..

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Thanks everyone. Love the support. Because of you all is why I can do it.

It's not as fun is it? I wonder why we don't get that. Why do we keep on doing something that makes us feel like shit

I love you too. Text me. I had to reset my phone and lost your number

No , its not Fun at all , but need to learn how to Love yourself .. It Takes time or try to find other hobbies keep yourself busy.. but you got This..Think Positive

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You can totally do this!!

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Thank you. Thank you from bottom of my heart I couldn't do it without you all

Yes you can!

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Yes you can

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Absolutely! Believing in yourself is half the battle


Yes you can

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The Ball is in your court

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