I can’t do anything right

I can’t do anything right


Did you wake up sober today? If so, you did one thing right. You came here and called out for help. That's two things right.

I am not trying to be a wisea$$. When facing all of the insanity and unmanageability of our lives, it is REALLY easy to fall into thinking in absolutes like "I can't do ANYTHING right". But the fact is, you can do things that are better and different than what you have done in the past. That is progress.

Hold fast. All hope is not lost.


I'm sure you do plenty right. You are reaching out right now...that is something right. You need to change that self talk and not over generalize things. You do many many things right! I don't know you or what you're going through but give yourself a little more credit and if you are an addict or alcoholic like me, you have a difficult challenge of overcoming and arresting this disease on a daily basis. You can't just turn it off and you're not stupid, ugly, a mess up or anything like that! You are a bright, I'm sure loving and beautiful soul that just wants to feel normal. It is possible. It is hard. But it is worth it and so are you!


That’s not true, and deep down you know that. You are still early in sobriety. I felt like that When I was still fresh.. I went through a whole period of fluctuations in my emotions, feelings and thoughts. You can get through it if you don’t pick up, and get involved in a program. The emotional rollercoaster will come to a place that is manageable… I promise.


Reaching out here, and being open with your feelings, are big things you're doing right!


I believe in you :heart::heart::heart::heart:


Anything? That’s objectively not true. Realign your language to something actionable and rooted in reality. What, specifically, has caused this nihilism? What did you fail, specifically?

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Might sound dumb but make your bed as soon as you wake up. It's a small trick but it works. Before you have even left the room you've accomplished one thing, the way you want it. P.S. it's not that easy...it takes some discipline which is something else you can also start doing right.

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Go help someone. Some little old lady needs a hand getting her groceries in her car. Something small to get out of your head. Helping others is like a mental reset button for me. Try it and see how you feel.

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Yeah, sorry while the statement “ I can’t do anything right “ is not backed by facts.

It is an opinion…which
happens to be your own.

In fact, respectfully relaying that-as has been mentioned, you reached out, Amanda.

So. That is at least one right thing you have done.
So. Your assumption is off.
Be nicer to yourself. You are not as awful as you assume you are, Amanda.

The power of the tough. Yes you can! :pray:t3:

I feel the same f@cking way! But if you're still sober, so am I! At least we did that right today!

You got this, when I feel like that I usually just take a nap… like a little reset button for me

You do everything correctly it’s just about what you’re doing. Just ask for your HP help in everything. Surrender completely that you can’t face this life alone. He will make all things new

Can’t add anything more but to say if you are sober today, you did a MASSIVE thing right and the only important thing today!