This spoke to me
I’d love to give you a suggestion that could completely change your life. I’m a proud member of ACA adult children of alcoholics or disfunction in the childhood home. It has changed my life. Like complete change for the better. I’m three years sober and am a proud member of AA but I felt something was missing, I found Aca and was able to deal with living in a chaotic childhood home that I transferred into my adult life. I can make a boundary, make better decisions and love myself for who I am.
Wow thats alot sweetie I'm so sorry you have had to go though that . You have a good heart I can tell . There's not a lot of nice people in this world anymore . And those that are nice are ALWAYS taken for granted . Keep fighting keep the faith . Never ever feel like things were your fault as a child . I've lived with a lot of guilt from my childhood for YEARS. . it took me almost 21 years for me to have the clarity that things that happend when I was a child were TOTALLY out of my control .I'm sorry u can't sleep . I hope your night gets better for you . Bless you !
I will take whatever help I can get. I’m tired of living with this pain.
Please check ACA in your area and meeting schedule. We do not need to suffer, it is hard work but it does work. Us injured children do recover
I know that pain, I hear, see and feel you. I’m sorry that you have endure this pain. Pain does lead to growth and ultimately power.
I appreciate that! I’m like literally angry. I went from crying to angry. I don’t know if that’s a good thing because I haven’t been angry in a long time. I’m angry at the system. Politics and money over peoples feelings and lives
Just makes me so angry
I live in hillbilly heartbreak town hun. Do they have online meetings. If they had them here I would know about them.
Wow, I’m sorry you had to go through all that. I want you to know I really appreciate you and I appreciate all your positive posts because you have helped me more than you will ever know. Take things one day at a time, and don’t drink and continue working a recovery program. Please let me know if you ever need anything. You can get hold of me 24/7
Yes, you are a warrior. You know why. Look at all the experiences you had. Only warriors are made of the toughest trials in life. Look at the insight you have, the love inside yourself. Your still kicking Because a warrior dies when they give up. You have so much to give and your trials will be used to influence other warriors.
I really like your positive posts, are you in Pennsylvania?
Shelli I love your posts thank you so much for your help
I’m not in PA