I cannot put down meth

I cannot put down meth. I have a toxic relationship on top of it and no support at all.

Hi, Jessica. You can. People do everyday. So why not you?

Checkout www.na.org to find a meeting. Get a sponsor. You can do this.

Also, check out our Sober Help section. There are listings of various treatment centers. Make the call today.

There are available resources to help you. You must take ownership and get the help you want and need.

Know that I am cheering for you.


That meant aclot

Hey Jessica 13 years clean off meth it can be done it’s hard at times the first two years sucked for me lots of triggers like Amanda said find a meeting get a sponsor
If possible I would try to put my relationship on hold if you don’t want treatment find a clean and sober house and stay there for a year
Today along with my work I run a clean and sober house where I am from a with the structure of them it would help you alot
Is your other an active user?

How have you been the last few days, Jessica?

Jessica, baby, you got this! I struggled with meth addiction for 10 years and In that time I never saw more than 3 days sober but today makes 16 days without meth. A toxic relationship isn’t a relationship. Have you ever heard that song by Tamia “me”? If not please listen to it. Girl you got this. It’s time to put yourself first. It’s time to find your way out of the darkness and back into the the light. I’m still new at sobriety but I believe in you.

Hey girl I just dropped my man at detox this week for meth I know it’s a tough drug to kick but you gotta do it girl it does so much damage to your mind and body you don’t wanna live like this there’s a better life out there for you just gotta hang in there! Get to a meeting!

Yes, you can! Change your words.

How are you, Jessica?

hey jessica I just wanted to say trust me i know how hard it is to put down meth. I was on it for six years and then i moved to heroine so i get you. And also with the toxic relationship but if you ever need someone to talk to who will just listen hit me up . I was in a toxic relationship myself and now she is locked up and I miss her so bad . we also used together and was fighting physically and everything. but now we are both clean I went to rehab while she is in jail and it worked out for the better even though she is still in jail. we can actually talk about our feelings more. And express how our days were and we couldnt do that before it would always lead to an argument. So I totally get how your feeling but please dont hesitate to reach out cause there is help out here. i found mine in narcotics anonymous.

Just know that miracles happen!
Any addict (no matter what you think your Drug of Choice IS...alcohol is a drug) can stop using, loose the desire to use, and find a new way of life.
Check out na.org
NA saved my life & continues to do so. I have not needed to use any mind or mood altering substances since 1/10/1995.
Just keep engaging in the recovery process and check out some NA meetings.
For virtual, go to virtual-na.org

It works!