I caved in to drinking last night and am feeling

I caved in to drinking last night and am feeling very discouraged. It's been a year of inpatient treatment, then had 67 days, then relapse, then 31 days, but now I'm relapsing every couple weeks. I need to go to meetings. I'm afraid my fiance is going to leave me. He is tired of me relapsing alone at bars. I've lost so much to this disease, I'm praying he doesn't leave me. This has to be the last relapse.


I don't blame him. It's total büllshit when your partner is out at bars without you. You're not "relapsing" every couple of weeks. You're just not drinking for a couple of weeks.

There is a possible solution if you give it a real chance. Meetings. Go make some lady friends at a women's AA meeting and build a sober network so you have people yo call on next time you feel tempted.

You can do this. You dont have to do this alone though.

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It takes what it takes to

Good morning Marie

Thank you for sharing I am sorry that you are struggling. But thank you for talking about your struggles. We have all been there. Have you tried to go online to zoom meetings?? Have you said allowed that you are powerless over? Alcohol in your life has become manageable??