I currently live in a women and children's SRO building..many of us come from shelters and abusive partner relationships.Just like myself,I got sober once I was able to and really just wished it to be easier. Fast forward to tonight an older woman who just moved in January is actively high,in the halls,Infront of my room and kitchen.If she was in her room like she normally is,it wouldn't bother me...maybe the noise but I'm easy going..In this building, we share bathroom,living area and kitchen but have our own room and pantry closet space. He behavior alone is bad,I know I kept my behavior low-key.but her sluring,nodding out,slumping behavior is really making me want to use. I miss the feeling and today is very tough. There is no security at this building just one front door desk person. Currently they're just trying to get her in the room..but personally for me I'm afraid that knowing that she's an active user and my neighbor is in recovery,I'm trying to stay around good people but today I'm suffering extremely bad. I don't have money which I know is easier for me and eventually I'll get money and have to deal with that hurdle. How can you handle a person who was using like you in your safe space? My boundary is my bedroom
Start preaching the gospel lol that’s what I do … they will go away for sure !! And surrender and prayers…. That’s the only thing that saved me sister!!! You can do this with Gods help !!!!! 🫂
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