I don’t always want to drink. Can go for weeks

I don’t always want to drink. Can go for weeks without drinking. I can be around people that drink but it doesn’t mean I’m going to want to drink. But sometimes when I end up drinking I over do it and feel horrible after. I do feel like giving it up for good.


I was told it doesn’t matter when you drink how much you drink but what matters is what drinking does to you :pray:t3:


Exactly Luis it’s what happens when we do!


Yup! I been trying for years. It’s time to give it up.


Give it up, kick it to that curb…there is nothing beneficial in relation to drinking.

A waste of time, energy, money.
It is completely stupid-these advertisers and corporations just shove these idiotic messages down our throats about how “ great “ drinking is.

Alcohol is a thief.
Excited for you-let us know how everything goes, is going!


I am a binge drinker. I had difficulties identifying in the beginning. I saw all the ways I was different instead of all the ways I was the same. At the end of the day,my life was unmanageable. Even though I have a good job, a place to love, my bills are paid and my kids are healthy, I was so sick on the inside, spiritually bankrupt. When I took a drink, I didn't know if it would be 1 or 10, I didn't know if I would end up somewhere and not remember how I got there. Or if it would just be chill. It's the not knowing what was going to happen and the inability to control what was going to happen that ultimately made me decide to get sober. And I'm so much better for it. I get to show up in my life today and not hide behind the bottle. I drank to celebrate, I drank when I was sad, bored and lonely. Today, I get to be if service, I have real friendships with people who actually know the real me, I have an HP who walks beside me on a daily basis. I'm fat from healed but on a journey. :heart:


Thank you it’s so nice to know everyone has their story. Like what you said don’t know if it’s just 1 or just chill. So it’s best to not start at all.


It doesn’t matter how often you drink it matters what happens when you drink. If once you start you can’t stop you have a drinking problem and if you’re drinking gets you in trouble you have a problem. Be honest with yourself about it. Not every single person is an alcoholic there are actual heavy drinkers discussed in the big book.

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Good morning Katrina

How are you doing today?

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Doing good today thank u Troy

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That’s awesome just checking on you to see how you’re doing want to make sure you’re not struggling.

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Trinity, Incredibly well said! Going through similar journey and appreicate your candid feedback and openness. I’m also thrilled to hear you’ve been successful. Kudos! Hard work pays off!

To everyone else on the post, keep the faith and try as best as possible each day. You can do this!!! #support!!


Thank u i had a great week :blush:

Hope everything is well for you too. I thank eveyone on here that’s been positive. Im embracing the good days when they are here. :relaxed:

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That’s what we are here for we all need support. We are never alone anymore.

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