I don't know how to become sober

I've been addicted to Methamphetamine for 8 years Since I was 18 years old Cause someone needs to smoke it When I was really drunk And I'm Got be hooked And I wanna stop but I don't know how because I don't know how imma deal with the withdraw And I'm also trying to stop Because I want to set an example to my best friend who's 18 years old and I'm trying to make him stop before he gets to where I amCause I don't want to get this far


You talking about it and asking for help is such an important step in the right direction. I went to rehab to quit meth but if that’s not an option, look for a N.A. meeting and go! Even if you’re high go and listen and talk to someone after the meeting. Grab phone numbers. And concentrate on YOU getting clean. It’s kind and sincere for you to want to set an example for your friend but you need to have tunnel vision and worry about your recovery first! I’m proud of you and if no one has told you today they love you, I love you!

I know it seems difficult but it’s rather simple. I had to make my sobriety my number 1 priority over everyone and everything. I went to NA/AA everyday, got a sponsor, did the 12 steps many times, made new sober friends and life got easier and better. Now you know😊
I sponsor if interested.

Thank you so much for sharing Cory 

I’m so proud of you. I had to go to medium to get a sponsor and work through all the traumas in my life through the 12 steps.