I drink everyday and want to quit

I drink everyday and want to quit


And you have that choice to do that, I’d recommend finding a program of recovery to support you through the work. It’s a good life out here in sobriety


Download the app Meeting Guide and find a meeting near by. Just go sit and listen. You don’t need to do or say anything if you don’t want to. Go to a meeting everyday or multiple a day if you can. Do this for 30 to 90 days


Agree with the others. They say one day at a time for a reason. It helped me to set small goals at first and see how I felt. And it hurt a lot. And my mind raced. Meetings made it easier. Be as nice to yourself as you can be, and if you have sober friends, talk to them as you go, perhaps over ice cream. Good luck. It’s worth it. So are you.


What helped me is gradually slowing from every day to setting only thurs-Sunday. Then only Fri-Sunday and so on until you decrease it more and more. Concentrating only one week at a time. I can’t focus on one day at a time. It’s all or nothing for me I guess. Longest I’ve gone in past few years is 12 days. Then I always cave. And I always usually regret it from the guilt. Knowing I learned how to deal and handle stress in other ways rather than drinking. But then I pick myself back up again. I’m still struggling myself. I Came here to have support so that I can say I don’t drink or use. I have been clean for a year and a half or more but unfortunately I still am having a beer or two now and again. I figure I rationalize when I say at least I didn’t by a bottle of vodka or a jug of wine but we all know we can have good days of moderate drinking but eventually we have a bad one again. I hope we can help each other get stronger in our journeys! Don’t hesitate to reach out to me by messenger. I am sure we can help each other in many ways.

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I feel like a parrot at this point, but I think all alcoholics at the beginning need to consider medical detox. Quitting alcohol cold turkey can be quite dangerous and they make it as seamless as possible. It still not easy but you sleep a lot and you feel safe. These facilities are all over ...just needs to be a "level 4 " facility , is what I learned. I wouldn't do it any other way as the quitting /detox has always been the hardest part for me and it sounds like that's exactly where you are. Just food for thought :+1:


Try to make a local meeting my friend! I'm a recovering addict who attends NA meetings. But we obstain from alcohol too. Just sayin.'

Start with a few hours, then a day, then days. You can do this.

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