I feel like drinking again

I am under an incredible amount of stress. The world is on my shoulders. Not only my life depends on the next few days but also my family's life! I haven't slept much in several days. I want to drink but fortunately I remember what it will feel like the day after if I do so. So much stress!!!


Wishing you strength and determination.

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Brian, this too shall pass🙏. Many times I felt overwhelmed and wanted a drink. I stayed sober and had faith that all would be fine. 15 years of solid sobriety and I’ve experienced this scenario many times. It always works out and it gets easier.

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You've recognized and labeled the stress in the moment as well as days to come. You've noted a couple solid reasons why your decisions and choices are important. You also mention sleep as an additional impact. You've shared your thoughts and reached out.

I only know myself, but it sounds like you are taking control and doing exactly what you need to.

Keep it up!


You will get through this stressful time without drinking. You’ve done it so many times already!

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Thank you Brian :blush:. Same to you x 1000

Thank you Danny. I made it through one more night. I hope to make it through the weekend without drinking.

Indeed that is true Chrs. Thank you for your kind words :pray:t3:. God bless.

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Hi Jackie, yes indeed. I made ut through last night and I hope to make it through the weekend. On Monday my burning questions about my future will be answered. And it will be God's will :pray:t3:. God bless.

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Stay in the day. Today. Just don’t drink today- no matter what


Deal :slightly_smiling_face:. Thank you so much for the support!

Bryan, a couple things that work for me.

  1. When the urge to drink is real. I play it out in my head to the worse hangovers I’ve experienced. Don’t stop at the instant relief the 1st few drinks deliver.
  2. Remember that the early sobriety jitters and anxiety will be the last time you’ll have to experience if you stay sober.
  3. Imagine your feeling of successful sobriety. Better mental & physical health, better relationships, better sleeep, better professional life, better everything