I feel like I'm the only one here who believes

I feel like I'm the only one here who believes in God. Don't mean to offend people but he really saved my life.


You're not the only believer. I have been my entire life! It has gotten me through so much, mainly losing people I love and my sobriety. Don't get me wrong, I've questioned it, but I haven't just stopped.
To be honest, it doesn't matter what other people do or don't believe. The cool thing is God made all of us different and we have the freedom to believe what we want!
Use your belief to help yourself. Love to you!


:love_you_gesture: I love this loving and lovely thinking!


You are def not the only one. Romans 1:16

There but for the Grace of God go I!!!

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Don't worry about who doesnt, just know that you do.


Thank you

I am a daughter of the King!

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You aren’t the only one who believes in God.. I have to give Him all the credit for my sobriety and get’n me thru each day.. some days I do feel alone but I know He has never turned His back on me.. Never stop believing.. He’s the only way..


Not alone. I’m a pastor and love God like crazy​:blush::ok_hand::ok_hand::+1:

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Elijah felt like that and God reminded him there were 2000 who had not bent the knee to Baal.

You’re not the only one, I believe him! If it wasn’t for god I don’t know where I would be! Don’t nobody know the many days and nights I cried out for him to help me take the taste of drug’s out my mouth! I owe it all to him! He keep giving me strength to keep going! I’m 50 days clean and sober today!!

Yes he did! :pray:t5:

I’m a daughter to the king and you are my sister