I feel so much pressure from myself to quit for

How do you keep yourself from beating yourself up? I am so hard on myself. My negative self talk and life circumstances have brought me to a very dark place and using is a form of self sabatoge. The pressure to stop makes it harder. How do I work on forgiving myself and finally stopping?

You stop because it's no longer fun!

Seeking help could be a start, forgive yourself sometimes in what ever we're on shames us . SO WE NEED TO LET GO. And prepare yourself for a change .. Its not easy but not impossible...You got this..

Treat yourself like you would treat another human being. Because you are and you are worth it

I think forgiving ourselves for anything we did we aren’t proud of is the most difficult, maybe because our actions are the one thing we can control.
The way I look at it is we have the most empathy for others when we are in touch with the times we had empathy for ourselves and our less-than-exemplary moments.

Shame over the past is a recurring theme in my life. I am guilty of a lot of things. The key to overcoming shame is realizing two things. 1 I can be guilty without shame. 2 I cannot be shamed for things done by a dead man.

The word guilty is defined as, “culpable of or responsible for a specified wrongdoing.”
Ashamed is defined as, “embarrassment or reluctant to do something through fear of embarrassment or humiliation.”

The only reason we feel shame is we are embarrassed by our actions. I am not embarrassed of my past. When I entered recovery, I killed that guy.