I get up everyday beating myself up from the mistake

I get up everyday beating myself up from the mistake I made drinking about 45 days ago. I’ve put myself in such a deep hole. I’m overwhelmed by the stupidity of it all


You shouldn’t let something that happen 45 days ago get to you. That was the past, you need to focus on what’s ahead and how to change your mindset to where that won’t happen again. Give yourself grace.

David, learn from your mistakes and know you’ll do better. I made a million mistakes in my early sobriety.
Are you working the 12 steps with a sponsor?
It really helps

I understand. Self mental abuse is hard to give up. You are dou g better. You are working on it. When you think of other working to improve you are supportive. Support yourself. I know it's hard. I am working on beating down the self abuse also.

We live in the here and the now. The past is gone, pray to let it go. I was overwhelmed with grief and anxiety and loss for over 10 years. Caused me to drink my mind off my mind. Lost 3 very close friends within a year. One was a firefighter 8 months later another in a boat crash, and 4 days later a boy I watched grow up was KIA in Afghanistan. What kept me down for so long was that I wanted to take and carry the pain of all the families, so they didn’t have any. But I never talked about it. Once I started talking the drinking went away 3+ years ago.

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Look ahead to the good you can bring to your community, focus on that. Positivity is everything.