I had 3 years clean and sober. I threw it

I had 3 years clean and sober. I threw it away almost a year ago. I've been struggling ever since. Alcohol and drugs are problematic. Not sure what to do even though I once had the strength to do it. I feel like a failure


Go to a meeting

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Do you have a sponsor now? Are you going back to meetings?

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What you’re feeling is completely normal for us as addicts in recovery. Your feelings are valid and are acting as your moral compass to guide you to reach out (this post) instead of picking up. I believe in you and I have been through an awful relapse and understand that feeling of “throwing time away” and that immense guilt. But you still have the tools and knowledge you gained in your recovery. Reach out to your clean network and or sponsor, we are all here for each other. You got this!


Your three years aren't gone. If you continue to apply the lessons you had learned while experiencing them, starting over won't be as difficult.

focus on today. Every day.

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Dont have a sponsor. Still doing zoom meetings.

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You’re alive, and that’s a miracle. Start now. You know the way.

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You are not a failure! We all have known that struggle. Be kind to yourself.

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Right now I have 122 days. I have had 122 days and lost 122 days countless times. You have not failed until you decide not to start again. One day at a time. You know you can do one day because you have done so many more before. That is all it takes - just one day. You’re not a failure - keep going


Today is a new day! Think the drink!!!! Wishing you happiness!!

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That the addiction in us it gives us the hurt full feeling so we keep using but you have the strength to get sober cause you talking about it and the more you talk to someone the more those hard feelings go away keep your head up 

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That’s OK, keep doing what you’re doing one day at a time. I’m proud of you brother.

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Listen.. a new recovery start date is better than a death date. It isn’t how many times you fail but the fact that you keep getting up. I believe in you. Do you believe in prayer? I will pray for God to bring you through this.. there are burdens in this life that we weren’t meant to carry alone.

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Thanks for the love and support. I went through treatment. Got a sponsor. Go to meetings and am on my 6th step. Currently in a sober living house.

Thanks buddy. I went through treatment for 90 days. And actively am working a program and the steps. I have a sponsor and two service commitments. Currently on step 6 and in a sober living house.

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