I had 4 months of sobriety, and I ruined it

I had 4 months of sobriety, and I ruined it feeling like I can have a treat on my day off. I'm so disgusted with myself


I’m sorry to hear that. I’ve definitely been where you are and I’ve learned that it was a lesson and experience that only made me want sobriety even more so I kept going for it. You’re getting stronger, you tripped but you stayed up.

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Thank you. I'm so sad right now. It feels like everything I've been working on is ruined.

We are human, geared to trip up. I’m only 18 days in so who’s to say I won’t do the same. I hope not but one never knows. Don’t beat yourself up for it. Get back on track and keep fighting for your sobriety. You’re worth it


No, DONT think that way, just continue and remember we are humans with addictions, you’ll get there. I had a month and slipped, was hard on myself for a day and next day got up and tried again. Another month under my belt but this time challenging myself to get to 2, then 3, and so forth. Stay strong :heart:


Treat=nice lunch, ice cream, pedicure, facial, day trip, movie, chatting with a friend -NOT alcohol/drugs :wink:you are not disgusting, you are human - now get back up on that horse and try again!! Good luck to you!!


I f-cked up after two years…then drank for close to six…now been sober for 2.5 years…yes.

We f - c k up.

And then we try again…because we are worth NOT allowing substances to ruin our lives.

What is your plan?
For this time?
To make sure that you do not relapse.
You can do it.
Do not give up!


…it makes sense that you feel sad.
Remember how you feel about all of this right now.
And how you do not want to feel this way again.

Beating yourself up will lead to picking up.

Easier said than done…
While please try to provide your own self with compassion and grace.

Please give yourself some credit for wanting to remain sober.
Please keep us posted!

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So I don’t feel you ruined it. you had some excellent good sober time. now you’ve got a new start date you can do it one day at a time. Guilt can kill me about things, so be easy on yourself; let go and let God.

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Well, it happened. Doesn't have to happen again. Wasn't really a treat at all? You didn't ruin your sober time, that stays. That's the thing about being sober today: neither yesterday nor tomorrow can change it.