I had 7 years sober and picked up again about

I had 7 years sober and picked up again about 7 months ago. I’m really struggling to get sober again. My significant other is done with me and I’m feeling alone and afraid. I can’t do this anymore.


hi💕 try to give yourself some grace and love. it happens. can you get to a meeting today?

I’m so sorry. Let’s talk. I’d love to listen

Go pick up Annie Grace’s book at the library called This Naked Mind … it’s very enlightening! Then read her 2nd book called The 30 Day Alcohol Experiment. I’m sorry for your struggles!! But Annie Grace can help. She has a podcast & free videos on YouTube. I have her free app on my phone called The This Naked Mind Companion App. If you did it once (for 7 years!!!) then you can do it again!!!!! You got this!! :purple_heart:


Thinking of you and sending you strength. So much of addiction is wrapped up in attachment and belonging, which is a true need for all of us. Treat yourself lovingly and know you deserve all the good things :heartbeat:

I just subscribed to Annie Grace’ YouTube :muscle:t5: thanks Rebecca. I know I have a problem. I’ve been drinking since 16 years of age. I’ll be 41 in 10 days and have been fighting cancer for 2 years. I can’t eat or drink anything by mouth and have a feeding. Since I can’t have anything by mouth I’ve been putting alcohol down the feeding tube! :persevere:

I’m so, so sorry Clyde!! My boyfriend of 13 years (now my fiancé), has cancer too. I think Annie Grace is incredible & I know she can help you with SCIENCE!!! She will help you remove the desire & without desire, there is no more cravings or temptations!!! I am living proof!!!

Get to a in person meeting and share. Zoom is available in a pinch but nothing like a brick n mortar meeting.