I hate that drank this weekend.
Relapses are sometimes part of the recovery journey, you took away the half the power of the disease by being honest about it the next part if just trying again, If you really want it and are willing to put the work in, You can do it🫶 feel free to msg me if you ever need someone to talk to for the sober support or just need someone to listen👍🏻
Hating that you drank shows you care about not returning to that lifestyle. Just don't hate yourself for drinking, that would only lead to more negative thoughts and the desire to drown your sadness in the bottle. Sometimes we have to start back at 0, and that's okay as long as we keep starting. Good luck on today and all of your tomorrow's!
You are breathing you have a chance
We all have a point and time where we get to say ...
That was the moment that I never had to use again.
And this can be yours
If you ever need to chat feel free to reach out
It happens. No shame in stumbling, just keep moving forward.
That’s a GOOD Hate! I hope you despise it next time. I say that in a good way.
Don’t beat yourself up….hugs. Glad you are ok
Try to hate it a bit more...
Don't give up, one foot in front of the other
Don't stop bragging about your previous clean time. A slip up doesn't diminish the accomplishment.
Come on back we don't shoot our wounded
You're back though. All you can do is focus on today, forgive yourself and learn what not to do next time. This is a process and sometimes the process sucks but it works.