I have a little bit more than 4 months of

Remember it’s not a trying thing.
Its cannot or will not?
“We made a decision”
Deciding means we choose, strawberry or vanilla ice cream, we decide on a flavor. We decide to trust the process and work the steps. “With complete abandon”
Remember, “half measures availed us nothing”. There is no reason to be miserable in sobriety. Serenity is what we achieve.


Every once in a while drinking crosses my mind. When it does, I think 'I'm sure glad I don't do that any more', and 'it sure won't do what I used to think it would do for me'. The body can't crave, even though it feels, and many of us over years of social programming came to believe that there is some benefit to alcohol. Later we noticed the drawbacks, and then it was an internal tug of war. But the truth is there is no benefit from drinking alcohol. Once we completely realize that it's easy to actually take moments when alcohol crosses our minds (it's everywhere, gonna happen) and enjoy them, realizing that we are now completely free.


Always helps me , this past year after getting cravings again I had found a dr who gave me a shot to stop cravings it’s called vivitrol you should check it out it’s a opioid blocker but also reduces alcohol cravings I been on it 8 months and not one single thought of a drink you should look it up it really works


I have heard about that! Thanks. I definitely would like to do that. And you still can to take Xanax as needed?

Very welcome .Yes , just no opioids

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It gets easier. For me at the 6 month mark there was a noticeable difference. You're doing all you can. I recently got back into yoga and am so thankful for it. Now it's part of my dopamine stack. Whenever I get low I pull something off the stack. A nice walk, some good music, comfort food, NA beer, and yoga. It works. Keep stacking your positive dopamine activities and it will help diminish the cravings.


Thanks Joshua! Yes true

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Thank you :relaxed:

Very well put!

Find a meeting or reach out to your sober support network. That’s what I do when the thought crosses my mind. I have never had a craving but I do still have the thought of “maybe it would be different this time” and that’s enough for me to take a seat at a meeting at least once a week after six months. Be well.

I understand I’m at 5 months 15 days and have had many times where I have thought just one or two would be ok but I haven’t and kept going with sobriety! It’s been hard but the benefits of not have been worth that internal struggle!

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Hello Jane, have you ever tried box breathing?

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…man, I was sincerely just about to suggest this-Troy!

I have not read all of the suggestions while was about to suggest breathing exercises and if you practice yoga ( the photo )?…then begin doing some yoga, go for a walk…distract yourself.
I have read that cravings last for around 20 minutes…if even that long?!

I used to read about cravings in the beginning…in order to manage uh, my cravings!

…I also like this suggestion because it is an immediate solution…and you are relying on your own self, your breathing.

Breathing exercises.
Talking to a friend.
The positive alternatives to succumbing to the cravings are endless.

And eft - emotional freedom technique, also known as tapping…has helped me.
Let us know how things are going, Jane!

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…meetings are A solution…one…there are many, many other alternatives that help with cravings, Jane.

If you conduct a search in regards, in relation to cravings…you will find that they do not last long and to begin with!

Meetings are not for everyone-and that is ok.

There are other avenues that help humans remain sober and thrive.

If AA is working for many, awesome!

While meetings may not be for some of us.
I have been to m a n y meetings.
In two different states.
Different meetings in different towns.

I am not as gushy about them…and only because other alternatives have helped me more.

It is 2024 and the good news is…there are so many positive ways to manage cravings.

I never discourage anyone from seeking support through meetings.
There are simply other solutions, as well-all the best to you, Jane!

That is awesome I like that

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Yeah, I know that one drink that day will lead to drinking 2 or 3 more days. Or 30. And knowing that I'll only feel good for a few hours before I feel crappy and guilty. The longer I am sober and facing challenges, the more it just doesn't work for me anymore.

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