I have a roommate who is driving me crazy.. she’s

I have a roommate who is driving me crazy.. she’s an absolute nut.. she talks and answers herself.. her mind is like she’s a five year old.. but she knows how to abuse and take advantage of others.. but today we got into it.. said she wasn’t going to pay her part of the bills this month.. you know those kind of people you just want to knock them out of their boot.. all I could think about was taking a drink.. it would probably kill me if I had.. but I resisted.. but I’m in bed thinking about it.. I hate drama and I’m too old to put up with it..


Taking a drink sure won't straighten that beeyach out. One won't, and 101 won't either. Will you be looking for a new roommate?

People be sick.

Hows the roommate situation?

Jan, glad you resisted a drink! I’ve learned drastic results take drastic measures. I had to protect my sanity and sobriety with extreme prejudice! I don’t EFFF around! But I have to be smart and not knock people out anymore.
Take legal measures, move out, stay with a sober friend until you figure it out.
My sobriety is always the priority over finance, romance, friends and even family.
I’m here if you wanna talk.

It was a good decision to not knock her out which probably wouldn’t have been the case had you been drinking! Keep making good decisions and you’ll find your way out of that situation.

There’s no problem in my life that drugs or alcohol has ever made better

Time to rethink the roommate. Anyone who threatens your sobriety needs to go.