I have been struggling for too long. I would just

I have been struggling for too long. I would just say a little support and prayers. I’m getting ready to go to trial from an oral surgeon that sexually assaulted me after three years. I’m finally getting to testify, but I can’t keep myself clean. It hurts a lot, but I really want to get down. I get better.


Reach out Tammy, I know this situation is hard, but nothing is worth feeling miserable over, I have been there, and it hurts, and you feel like awful, dirty, taken advantage of and everything else. But just remember this. You have the power? Who has the power now? Reach out to me. You are superstar! You are going to rock this trial watch!!🫶

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Im so sorry Baby I have been there all to much it takes for you to realize you have a problem have you reached a rock bottom that you know for sure the only thing you can do is realize that your helpless and all you can do is just lay there and want to die if that's you then I suggest a thing that helped me is 1 rehab the other n/a-aa but it's called celebrate recovery I've been clean for a year it takes you through 12 steps and 8 principles and will change your life I know I might sound like a salesman of it I'm not there's no job for me I pray maybe 1day but there's no requirement to join just the desire to stop drinking or drugging

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@tammy287476 YOU HAVE THE POWER over this fool. You are in the position to make or break this
Listen to what @shelley224665 is saying. She speaks knowledge and truth.
Keep us updated on this.