I have decided to start to ween myself off my

I have decided to start to ween myself off my normal 1/2 bottle of vodka each night. I have had too many days where I’ve had cold sweats, shakes, brain fog, nauseous etc. it feels so nice after a cpl days of having just a drink instead of too many. My brain is working today and I feel great. I am not ready to stay fully sober just yet for I am afraid of a sudden cold turkey stopping. So I am weening myself down. Slowly. Next week will have a bottle last 3 days then 4 etc. then I will commit to my sober beginning! Thoughts?


Good luck with that. One is too many and a thousand never enough

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We have all tried the reduction thought process… it is a fools errand. It leaves too many openings to make deals with yourself. If alcoholics could control their drinking, they wouldn’t be alcoholic. So next week a bottle will last 2 days then the following week 3 days.. then 4…. Then you have a bad day so you make the deal that it is only this week, next week you will be back on track… then another bad day…. See the pattern? Rip the band aid off.


It could work for you. For most of us it didn’t. We thought we could find and easier, softer way, but we could not.


Took me twelve years… I ended up at the E.R. with liver failure. I should have just gone to a detox when I was in my early 20s and still had hair…

If you’re not ready to stop, you’re not ready to stop and it doesn’t sound like you’re there yet.

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Definitely don’t stop cold turkey without medical help go to detox so you can be monitored it’s a slippery slope

John, if you haven’t done so get plugged into some meetings.
I can’t post a link but this will show you.

aa-intergroup dot org/meetings

This channel has some great listens.

Joe & Charlie On The Phenomenon Of Craving