I have had a lot of trauma in my life

I have had a lot of trauma in my life. I struggle with bi polar 1 and have been having an extremely hard time coping. I have had a good job and support my self on my own for a year and a half. I have been having extreme depressive moods and have been using drugs and drinking a lot. I have a psychiatrist appointment coming up to get back on meds for bi polar. I am un medicated and have been stuggling to find the motivation and strength to push on.

If you ever need someone to talk to feel free to reach out

I also have tons of trauma and was recently diagnosed with complex PTSD. I went through a major depressive episode and was drinking and taking stimulants to cope. I am now 4 months sober. I was very scared and did not know if I would be able to get better. I am MUCH better now after getting sober, and getting control of my mental health. You can get through this. I know how hard it is

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