I have gone to a couple meetings a long time ago but felt like it was too spiritual. Any meetings or groups that aren’t so spiritual? I was raised catholic but I am not a practicing one. I hope there is a higher power and there is more after life but I have struggled with that ever since my brother passed unexpectedly at 33.
There are all types of different AA groups..a lot of them do zoom now too, just search around
It’s possible to find a higher power despite the religious trauma that Catholicism causes. I think having a healthy spirituality is necessary to fully recover and find relief. You don’t have to use the word “god” if it makes you uncomfortable. AA accepts anyone whether they have religious beliefs or not. It’s a spiritual program. I hear SMART Recovery meetings work for some who don’t want the spiritual part. There’s also Refuge Recovery which is a Buddhist approach. I really hope you give AA a chance, though. Try and be patient, work the steps and let go of any thoughts that a higher power is punishing or vindictive—your higher power is all loving and all accepting of you, always just be willing to open up to the idea of one, your world will change if you do!
Go to all different aa meetings.check them all out.
Drew, hello my friend. Life is a mystery. Its very beautiful as well.
For me, I had to change everything about me. My belief system before sobriety wasn’t very spiritual at all. In fact I had no God or higher power of my understanding. So as for AA being too spiritual, I understand that it seems that way since we have none. I had to get honest with myself when I made the decision to believe in my higher power. My sobriety date is 11-19-19. The day I believed in a higher power of my understanding was around day 60. I was at treatment facility and I was having these little spiritual awakenings. Signs that the spirit world was telling me I’m on the right path. The more clarity I became the easier my sobriety was. Then I hit a wall. Depression and anxiety. I dug deeper into the spirit world. Reading books. Asking questions. Meetings, zoom meetings. AA, NA, life ring and recovery dharma where all tools I had at my fingertips. I’m on my 4 step in AA. My sobriety date is still 11-19-19. I’m actively in AA. I enjoy helping others.
There is a program for everyone. These programs work when we get completely honest with ourselves and surrender and admit we have a problem. Admission is the key to the whole 12 step program. Look at each step, each one we are admitting something about us to ourselves, God and to another human being.
Your experience is all up to you.
Have a wonderful day filled love and peace within my sober friend
NA I have heard might be a better fit for you. Many people that felt that spiritual pressure swear by those groups instead. Finding a group is trial and error. Don't give up friend
Yes! Try SMART Recovery, LifeRing, SOS, Recovery Dharma (Buddhist in principle but I Love it). Try The Phoenix-national group that uses fitness. Advocates for Recovery is another and I believe they are in most states.
Keep in mind there is a difference between religion and spirituality. Religion is something people do, spirituality is something people are.
Spirituality can take many forms and is your own personal path. There are 12 step groups that will accommodate whatever path you are on but for me personally- while i see value in the actual steps- the program as a whole is just not for me.
Good luck-you will find your tribe-but you will have to put effort into it.
I love working out so I will look into that.