I have not been sober for more than 10 days

I have not been sober for more than 10 days at a time in 18 years... Other than pregnancy. I am just wanting to get rid of alcohol for good and live a happier full life. I just have such a hard time getting past day 2-3, I am leaning on God to help me through and just need uplifting motivation to keep me going


I suggest you try A.A. it was formed specifically to help those of us that struggle with alcohol.


Chelsea, I struggled for decades. I tried everything but same results. Finally I surrendered to the winning side and got serious with my AA program. AA meetings everyday, got a sponsor, did the steps to very best of my ability, made sober friends and stopped my old patterns.
It worked! Yay :grinning: 15 years later and I’m still happily sober. You can do it too. It’s simple. Just do it

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Are you working a 12 step program?

Get to a meeting

If you're looking to God there are a lot of messages about healing that Tony Evans shares on Facebook. I enjoy his sermons.

I did 1 day, 3 days, 1 day, 4 days, 1 day and I kept going to AA. I did that for 5 mos.Until I was desperate to get 30 days. No one ever said a word, just assured me they were glad I was there. I felt so hopeless, worthless along with beer bloat feeling. Ugghh, I was disgusted. I felt fat AF. I wanted to fix it, come *……. or high water. But I couldn’t do it. I bore down for 30 days. I did it. Once I had that..I felt some relief, real relief. Then I wanted to continue. Next month, I get an 11 month chip. You can do this. Just don’t give up.


Just show up to meetings on a consistent basis, if you don't get the program, the program will get you! I'm a firm believer in assmosis!

Meetings help sooooooooo much. Get phone numbers. Check in. The sober community is so incredibly supportive.

The sooner you WANT it then you can move forward, and leave God out of it, it's an illusion.

Your thoughts create your emotions, your emotions, create your mood, and your mood creates your day. When you feel like drinking, play the entire scenario out in your head from start to finish having waken
up the next morning.
You are full of the guilt, shame, embarrassment, self ridicule, and anger.
You’ve done this 1 million times before, try something new and truly love yourself

I go to the 319 24/7 Zoom fellowship google it and you will never be alone