I just feel bleh

No motivation. No drive. I just feel sad and a bit numb. Maybe I’ll try and get up and clean. Get my blood flowing. Head feels foggy. Nothing really matters. Just bleh.


i’m sorry you feel that way! it’s so important to honor your feelings, sit with them and know they too shall pass, interrupt and redirect your thoughts when they’re spiraling into negativity! exercising (even if it’s just a long walk) is so therapeutic for mind, body and soul—all the best :pray:t4:

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I hear ya. This may sound silly but sometimes when I feel that way I fry and eat some bacon and then make myself do something. Sometimes that gets me motivated and either way I got something accomplished.

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This feeling will get better in time. Just get through until it changes. Ride the highs and get through the lows

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I actually ended up making myself get up and do a big project. I bought a new rug for under my bed. It’s been in the corner for months. Just moved my mattress, frame, swept, mopped, and time to place the new rug. I broke a sweat and hopefully achieving this tomorrow I’ll wake up a bit happier! :slightly_smiling_face:

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Haha thanks for the advice. I actually did eat some comfort food before I decided to do a big project I’ve been putting off. Definitely broke a sweat feeling a little less bleh now lol.

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Thank you so much. Any comment helps remind me I’m not alone. I appreciate ya.

When I’m feeling like that, I find someone to help. It gets me out of my dark headspace and kinda resets me.


Bacon? Bacon is your motivation? Is bacon your "higher power"? Hehe

Hahaha. Bacon helps me get motivated, the one true God is my higher power. Don't knock it until you try it my man.

Try what, bacon or god? What makes you think I haven't tried both? I'm a firm believer in a non- "contempt without prior investigation " approach to most things. I have investigated both, and when I DID eat meat, I found bacon to be much much more satisfying with a more pleasant/tolerable aftertaste than god or most of his followers.

Have you tried Satan, the one true un-god?

It is both fascinating and incredibly condescending (don't feel bad, pretty much all "true believers" do this)that the "followers pretty much always make the assumption that if you don't believe their beliefs that you havent investigate for yourself the bottomless sea of inconsistency in their holy book. Lots of good ideas in there, surrounded by a bunch of gobbledygook, like most holy books of course, the Bible isn't special in that regard.
And if your brothers and sisters don't talk down to you regarding whether or not you have "tried it" they will most certainly come back with "you will eventually understand it" like they themselves are just so gøddamnéd enlightened, because they are so gøddamend special that an omnipresent being cares for them in their day to day lives, sometimes though, not always, only when "he" feels you deserve it. Maybe some of these women out here who have struggled their whole lives just haven't gotten their a$$es kicked quite enough yet, but when the time is right, god will step in and help them out?

I don't mean to be offensive, these are just things to ponder. Whatever keeps you on your path, keep doing it. Keep coming back.

Moving off of this thread to not be rude to Angelica. I've sent you a friend request.