I keep reminding myself of people that were important to

i keep reminding myself of people that were important to me in the past. i want to reach out to them so bad, but i can almost be sure that it won’t benefit me


Aww the amends process I was on the phone with a friend who was telling me about wanting to reach out to those she hurt.but she wasn't confident and that things were to damage.i told her take a deep breath ask a moment of their time if it was ok admit your wrong doings and apologize with a sincere heart accept accountability for everything you caused.if they don't accept it its ok you understand .then go about your day I hope things work out for you

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Good morning Kylie

I’m proud of you. Those are our past that we are worried about or we want to see how they are doing. Pray for them put them in God‘s hands God will make sure they are taken care of just keep doing the next right thing. 


Pray for them, send them love & light. Trust that all will be well. It’ll all work out💝

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