I know better

I woke up today telling myself I was going to get sober but I still find myself reaching for a drink even when deep down I don’t want one. Any tips or tricks to help fight the habitual urge… 


Hi Caitlin. First it's good you are sharing how you feel with others. My suggestion is to try to connect more w your internal self that doesn't want the drink like going outside for a walk and letting your mind process things better. Implementing healthy options to fill that void like a healthy snack that has healthy fats and greens this is just an idea. The drink is making us just weaker all around there literally is no benefits to drinking alcohol none zero. The cravings need to be handled w something that is good for you. I didn't help but just some simple ideas. Hope you're well today .

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Changing your routine may be very helpful. What are you doing when you reach for that first drink? One of my favorite places to drink was when I was in the garage working on something. Early in my sobriety I quit going in there all together for a while. Afterwork I would stop at the liquor store everyday, even if I still had booze at home, it was just habit so I changed the route I take home to avoid it so I could break that cycle. These are just a couple personal examples without typing for hours. Message me if you'd like some more suggestion or help...

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Hello Caitlin. You sound similar to myself. I never had physical cravings it was all on my head so to speak. I just drank to excess. I mean blackout.
I went to out patient therapy. It helped me understand me. Then I got educated on alcoholism and addiction.
Try reading Alcohol Explained by William Porter, it's easy to read and understand.
Gillian Tietz has a website called Sober Powered. She's a recovering alcoholic with a wealth of information. Reach out I'll talk sobriety anytime. Best of luck :pray: prayers always

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You’re in the right place. We know that feeling. It’s so demoralizing and humiliating! It’s not something we can discuss with others, but your safe here… we understand. I don’t have any tricks. I got involved in a daily program of recovery. I guess that’s my tip

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I mean for myself I came to the realization that the urge is always going to be there for a while but it comes down to what you really want and what you put your mind to I know that's easier said than done but it's the truth

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