I lost a friend . A friend of mine died

I lost a friend . A friend of mine died. I usually deal with that stuff by having drinks and getting really hammered. This time I was able to stay sober. I’m in day 5 now . I’m just so sad .


You are so strong!!

Your friend would eant you to be healthy and free. :white_heart::white_heart::white_heart:

Feel it to heal it Shana
I’m super sorry for your loss sweetness so proud of you for staying steadfast in your recovery

There's a book called "The Places That Scare You". It teaches us how to process difficult feelings. I had a death occur on my one year clean anniversary. This book helped me so much. I highly recommend it.
That being said, I offer you my sincerest condolences. Sometimes the Universe doesn't feel benevolent. Sometimes things are so unfair.
I'm sure you must be in shock and it will take time to feel your way through this. You don't have to be strong or put on a brave face. You're allowed to cry or be sad or angry. It's not strength that keeps us from getting wasted when the chips are down, it's bravery and you are a brave soul. I'm glad you didn't drink, friend. Take a breath and take it one minute at a time, if you have to.
Sending love and a virtual hug.

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So proud of you!!! You made the right choice even if it doesn’t feel like it right now :heart: keep up the good work

I pray for you, Amen

An update friends i made it to day 6 and am still holding strong!