I’m 10 days clean and I’m struggling with my family

I’m 10 days clean and I’m struggling with my family and their support. They all want me to go to rehab but I feel like if it’s something I don’t wanna do and can get better on my own because I want to. It’s causing a rift between us all and I don’t want that but them forcing me to do something I don’t want to isn’t the way to go about it either. Any thoughts about how I should I go about it?


I suggest you go take a walk in nature for an hour without distraction yes including no cell phones and in the last minutes of your walk what is that still small voice telling you to do?


Why does your family think you should go to rehab?
Secondly, why do you think you should not go?


I've been to several (both in and out patient) for legal reasons or to satisfy my loved ones and get them off my back. Because it wasn't something I wanted, I wasn't committed and got nothing out of them. I'd be sure your fully committed if you decide it's what best. Otherwise, you'll spend a bunch with little return.
I wish you the best with whatever you decide.


Rehab helped me. It can be done in the rooms also


Hi, I am a rehab/detox nurse in recovery. 10 days is amazing! You’re past the dangerous time of quitting. You’ll still have some physical/mental adjustments. Rehab at this point is more about the group and relating to others. If you can get into therapy, or outpatient or attend meetings (AA, NA , Smart Recovery, etc) you can get the same benefit. Places like this, podcast, videos, books, meetings, therapy and apps like this are great tools, and sounds like you have a supportive family! You’re never alone during this. Rehab is great-but not everyone can do. Sobriety is yours regardless!


I feel you.
It’s hard. What works for you works
You have to be ready for the rehab.
If you’re not it won’t work.

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This is an amazing site.
Free and we all can talk.
24/7 we can get the support we need.

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You got this my friend.
Coping and leaving.
Adapt and overcome.
That’s all we can do.

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Sorry won’t let me correct.
Coping and learning
Never leave.

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