I’m 48 hours clean, I’m sick, I’m scared, i joined

I’m 48 hours clean, I’m sick, I’m scared, i joined my first meeting online!! What else can I be doing, in one wild weekend I nearly lost everything!! I need help and I don’t know where to start!!!


Hi Jennie. I will send you a friend request. We can get on the phone and talk if you'd like. If you're very sick, go into the hospital. They can help you detox. If you quit now, you'll only have to go through this once.

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I can suggest what NOT to do. Don't isolate. Online meetings are good but do you have someone with you? Detox is scary but it sounds like whatever led you to nearly lose everything is even scarier

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Thank you, I don’t think I’m sick enough for hospital. Nauseous shaking. Sleeping a lot!!

I’m alone, I’m embarrassed to tell any of my friends, I feel like such a loser!! And I don’t want them to worry about me.

OK well just be safe.

Your friends don't have to know you're going to AA. There are lots of people in recovery. You don't have to be alone.

I like in person meetings best

Just worry about you. If your friends are at the meetings then they understand

It’s all new I’m trying to figure it out is all really scary and I overwhelming!!

I understand. I have been there. Best thing that has happened to me

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First of all feel proud. 48 hrs is not easy when ur sick as a dog. It will get easier. You don’t ever have to go through this again if you can stick with it. This app is great- keep searching out supports. You don’t have to tell anyone you know if you don’t want to. Ur in control and I for one and super proud of u!


Thank you

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They say even if it’s just one moment at a time. Take it a moment at a time. Distractions can help. Reading a book you love or would find enjoyment in, a good movie, a walk, call a trusted friend. Just don’t isolate! That’s exactly what our disease wants, it wants us to feel alone, ashamed, if people only knew. I encourage you to think of someone, a fellow AA member at a meeting, get some ladies #’s. Bring the darkness to the light and you will be so surprised by the warmth of its light. Much :heart:

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Thank you

I would recommend reaching out for some professional treatment and support. They can help with detox and skills to get you through the worst of it.

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I’m actually just off booze like 7 hours n so sick:( I feel you

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Try doing some guided meditation on YouTube and start JOURNALING!

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They have helplines in your area that can direct your needs 211 usually

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Welcome home! You don’t ever have to feel like this again.
I went to 3 meetings daily for years. Did everything that was suggested, even when my addict mind told me not too. I made my sobriety the #1 priority over everyone & everything.
Best decision ever :gift_heart:
I’m friend requesting you now. Reach out to me anytime

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