I’m a little over two years sober, and was wondering if anybody deal with depression and anxiety because it has been an ongoing battle for me.
I'm sorry to hear you're struggling. That's tough. I will keep you in my prayers.
I just hit three years sober today. DBT has done wonders for me when depression or anxiety flare up. Look it up and try it out if you haven't, it's changed my life
Tina, you’re not alone. For sure most of us struggle with anxiety and depression, especially in early sobriety.
I did the 12 steps multiple times with different sponsors and it empowered me to manage my thoughts, perceptions and emotions.
I’m here if you want to talk. I sponsor over the phone as well.
I have 4 years and I struggle with disassociation, anxiety, and just being able to feel ok. It really sucks but I try to shift my focus and stay in the here and now
Yes, I feel you! I can only speak for myself but in many ways I drank for years to self medicate. 2yrs in and still struggling with depression and anxiety. For me, it’s some solace to know that I’m fighting to find a way to deal without self medicating. It’s a been and will be a long road but you’re not alone. It seems to be getting better or at least slightly less frequent. Keep on keeping on and much love!
It can be hard to find a new groove after getting sober. I do feel like James some days, and I just go through the motions.
This may not be what you want to hear, but I just accept it. This is my life. Once I accepted my role on this planet, it was easier to see the rest of the noble path.
It ain't easy, living a life. Try to find some peace and happiness.
Tina.... We've all been through it. Some call it the terrible twos others call it all the stuff you suppressed while drinking is now coming out.
I think somewhere around 80% of alcoholics use to self treat anxiety and depression they go virtually hand in hand. Unfortunately when you get sober those things don't go away and you must find a new way to deal with it
Hi Tina. I struggle with depression. And anixity. I have 33 years sober. The steps with ppl. And therapist can help. Follow directions. And pray.
Hey Tina, your not alone. I've been sober for a while but my depression and anxiety is still there.
I suffer from depression first to years clean was bad then it got better
I struggle with anxiety a lot especially in social circumstances. I am coming up on 6 months sober so please don't do what I am saying but I'm just relating my experience. My doctor put me on Lexapro and it has been a game changer for me. I'm not cured from my anxiety but I would say it has reduced by about 75%. I used to experience a lot of symptoms, especially elevated blood pressure and that flush feeling in your head. I feel them waaaaaay less. I hope you do your own research and consult a doctor to see your options. Life is much much better sober and less anxious
Everyday, you have to learn all over again, the fun days are over for now, until you learn how to smile again, you figure we grew up as children which gave us innocence, now that it's been tainted you have 2 options..1 go back or 2 thank God atleast you'll live to see another day
Yes I do. I take medication for it and see a therapist. I do not take any benzodiazepines but I do not judge others meds it’s not my place. Finding hobbies I like, music & meditation really help also.
Tina, With all the suggestions and shared experiences from those posted.
What are you doing about it? What actions are you talking?
I to suffer with that and traumatic brain injury and ptsd. I've got 9 years of sobriety. Sobriety date is Oct 21 2015. And that's by God's grace 1 day at a time.
Be meticulous!
All day everyday. But if I stay sober it allows me to recover and I go see a therapist. I couldn't do that if I was using because I wouldn't admit anything. Keep trucking.
Hi Tina! I wanted to let you know that you’re not alone in experiencing anxiety and depression since quitting drinking. I went thru suicidal ideations when I first stopped drinking. I have been experiencing depression for 5 years and am now coming out of it. I was treatment resistant and tried a lot of different meds. I want you to know that there’s hope and it’s scary to feel like this is how it is, there is hope and there is help. It took me a few years but everyone’s journey is different. I believe in God and put it all there.