I’m a lloser. I just am. I cannot

I’m a lloser. I just am. I cannot stop drinking.

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Yes you can!! One day at a time...:v:


Hilary can you get to a meeting? Can a friend drive you to the nearest meeting?

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Hilary, sometimes its day to day, sometimes its hour by hour. And other times its minute by minute. So my suggestion would be please get a sponsor at least a temporary one .

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If you need to ,you can message me .

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Got a meeting in a half hour.

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Please try not to beat yourself up too much. You are among friends and I promise you that many are in your shoes. It’s a very tough disease and takes time and often many tries. Different things work for different people and is often two steps forward and one step back. For me it was helpful to go do some cognitive behavioral stuff. There are great tools (like advantages and disadvantages of using, dealing with urges, etc at smartrecovery.org tools. Realize that for many of us each day starts with reasons not to drink and then at some point a switch goes off and goes “oh what the heck I’ll start tomorrow, gimme a freaking break”. You’re not any more of a loser than if you caught a bad cough or any other disease. Cut yourself some slack if you can!! All the best to you!!!


The just love instead

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I'm powerless over alcohol…

You are Not a Loser!! You are struggling with the Disease of Addiction!! And you're here, telling us about it. That's the 1st step and that's HUGE!! Keep reaching out and showing up. There are meetings online that you can attend if you choose that route. Start by not drinking for ONE HOUR!! A step at a time. And in the end, All you have to do, is Not drink Today. Be gentle with yourself. Start by not drinking for One Hour at a time. Eventually you can work up to not drinking, Just For Today!! Praying for you :pray:

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You're not a lover. You're a person, with a disease. It's definitely not easy, addiction. It's a complicated and rugged path to get to the sober side. But you can't give up or you might never see it. Keep going even if it's just for today.