I’m addicted to meth and I’m trying to quit

I’m addicted to meth and I’m trying to quit but it’s just everywhere, even my work place.

Same here. I managed to quit once. I was clean for 12 years. I moves across the country, had my life together, and it still found me again. The first time I quit, people used in front of me and I still wouldn't do it. Im trying to find that strength again, but need more help this time. We are both stronger than we know. And I'm learning that its ok to ask for help.

I hate to ask this because I know it’s not that simple but can you change jobs? It’s best that we avoid people, places, and things that are a trigger.

Matthew does your employer have any type of employee assistance program. If you are really struggling check out treatment centers. Your medical insurance should be able to provide you a list if treatment centers covered by your plan. I struggled for almost 3 yrs the last year became a daily habit. I am in treatment and the place I am at gave me the tools and knowledge to never want to go back to the dark place meth brought me to

I wrote this at my darkest in August. I keep this as a reminder the depths I fell
Engulfed By Darkness

I am the darkness
I will start off as your friend
I will gain your trust
I will be your companion
Everything will seem perfect to you
Soon I will be in control
You will change as a person
You will continously let down family, loved ones. Your boyfriend or girlfriend, your friends. Your employer. Everyone will become disappointed and you will feel alone. I will always be there for you. I will be the only one you need in your life. I will strip you of your dignity. You will do things you never thought you would do. You will spend your money on me and then other things associated with darkness. You see I am your owner. I am Crystal Meth.

Wow, that's exactly it. You hit it on the nail. And its not if it happens to you, its when it happens to you.

Yup I will never delete this as I do not want to go back to that darkness. My 2nd writing was meth breaking up with me shortly after checking into ttreatment

You can do it Matthew! Find your way out. Whatever it takes! You always have support here too!

You have want it, more than anything.