I’m am just joining this app today. I consider myself

I’m am just joining this app today. I consider myself a functioning alcoholic. Drink in the evenings every day and I’m tired of living this life. It’s equally difficult for me bc my husband is a drinker too but not interested in slowing down or quitting. I tired of being locked in this lifestyle for way too long. It’s depressing, it’s affecting my health and relationships. I feel powerless and praying for change. It’s hard.


I was pretty much the same. I didn’t consider myself an alcoholic because I didn’t have cravings, but if I had one then I had eight, every day! I would drink until I passed out, and not remember much about what I said or did. I did things that I would never do sober, so it was quit or lose everything. I put it down and can’t look back, and you can as well, it’s just one day at a time, really one minute at a time.


Admitting is the first step


I’m in the same boat!! This is me!! Would love to become friends! Maybe we can help one another?

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I’d love that! I am not tech savvy so how do we do that? We can get through this together.

I need friends.

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I’m pretty sure I just friend requested you…..idk if you can find the friend requests page and accept?? Let me see if I can find it!

I’ll look too

Yes my request is pending……click on my profile pic or lack of profile pic and it might show my request to accept?

Did it! You’re my first friend here. I have several friends who are supporting me but it’s a hard road. Looking for better days ahead for both and all of us

Well today is my first day and didn’t go well. I have friends directing me to places I can grow and learn. It’s so nice to be apart of a community of people that are going through the same struggle.

Do it for you anyways. Regardless of what your husband thinks, regardless of how hard it is. I remember the powerlessness all too well. Get the help for yourself, period. You won’t regret it. You will regret it though if you stay complacent for him. Just food for thought :purple_heart:

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If you are willing to go to any length to get and stay Sober we can help you.
Regardless of who is in your life, your job, period.
Welcome home :hugs:

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Welcome Mindy!

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Welcome Mindy! You will find lots of support here :heartbeat:

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It takes SO much courage and strength to admitting AND reaching out/looking for a solution.

I also was tired of being sick, tired and afraid.
Just celebrated 22 yrs and I have no intention of picking up a drink—“play the tape”. It ever ends well.

As mentioned in this thread earlier, one drink led to too many.
For me, one drink is too much and 20 wasn’t enough.

Congratulations on 22 years! I just admitted that I needed help to my close friends Sunday and I’m sure they already knew and have given me so much love and support. I am waiting on a therapy appointment and meetings but for now I have not found my strength to say no. I know this will take time, Courage and strength and pray for it to come. I can’t do this alone.

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In my experience, there's no such thing as functioning alcoholic...I ruined relationships, lost loved ones, and burned my life to the ground. I was in the grips of a progressive, fatal illness and I had to learn that it gets worse and never better. The book Alcoholics Anonymous taught me that if I wasn't convinced that I was an alcoholic, that I should go out and try to do some "controlled drinking".

I can't do that, bc I am mentally and physically different. Once alcohol enters my body, the phenomenon of craving is introduced, and my body demands MORE!! The only solution I found was through AA, which is a 12 step program of action. I went to a ton of meetings, met some amazing men who gave me hope that I could do it too, my sponsor being one of them. I asked him to take me through the steps, and he did. I am no longer under the control of King Alcohol, and today I walk a free man!

If you want what we have, and are willing to go to ANY length to get it, then you are ready to take certain steps. Praying for you, it is a spiritual program, but you can find a God of your understanding provided you are willing to believe in a power greater than yourself. :pray:t2::heart: