I’m an addict. My drug of choice is marijuana. I

I’m an addict. My drug of choice is marijuana. I went to rehab and graduated March 1. On May 30 I relapsed and now I’m so deep in this hole and I can’t imagine not needing it or being ok in my own mind.


I understand. You are still breathing so there is hope


Start with just tomorrow. And then the next day. Sometimes it’s just too hard to think of future “ok-ness”. But today you can do. Worry about the next day the next day.

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Remember easy does it we didn’t become addicts in a day, it took time for us to become one, just as it takes time to recover, take it moment by moment and stay mindful that we do recover, you got this!

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I have always been told “IT’S A SCHOOL OF LIFE WE NEVER GRADUATE”. I’m sober or clean today because I choose to be sober more than I want to get drunk. Just concentrate on today. If we worry about yesterday and tomorrow we are pissing over today

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Lisa, when you can go to NA meetings because you are not alone!

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Lisa just remember it is sometimes just the small victories, getting to meetings, being honest, journalling your feelings n seeking a sponsor to begin the Step work, vital for change to occur. Dont give up. It takes persistence. Sky B :hibiscus::pray:t4::star2::dizzy:🪶❤‍🔥:eagle: