I’m badly addicted to heroin

I’m badly addicted to heroin. I’m on the third day of kicking and I’m in so much pain. Physical, mental, emotional pain. I’m alone in my home and I’m going through detox alone. I need help badly.

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If your dope is cut with fent you got about another week of misery. But that’s the easy part . Good luck. Tou never have to detox again . And you only have to not use today

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Chace, you shouldn't be detoxing alone. That can be harmful. Please consult a doctor ASAP.

Go to ur local er.call 911. comming off that is no joke. U got this . I made the first step by reaching out to us on this app and we will help u and support u all we can. U can and will beat this disease

Update. I have been clean for 11 days. I have no desire to use that bullshit again.


That’s fantastic Chance!!

Yasss!!!! You never have to detox again my friend! This update made me so happy :slightly_smiling_face:

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Yes!!! Go Chace! That's great

Amazing!! I just lost my best friend of 23 years to fentanyl..
please please keep going..

If you feel cravings, contact a physician or treatment center or SAMHSA website for Suboxone. Methadone clinics-probably dispense Suboxone.