I’m craving a drink so bad but I kno if

I’m craving a drink so bad, but I kno if I keep going down this path. I’ll lose more than family and friends I’ll lose my life


I had to go to a wedding today. Started craving. Something that happens fewer n fewer.
I'm going to bed early. You don't need that drink, just for today!

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Treat yourself to some carbs and go to bed early :pray:


You’ve got this❣️ one day at a time!

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God grant me the serenity to except the things I cannot change … the courage to change the things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.


It’s not worth it friend. Get to an AA meeting on the Everything AA online meeting app, and reach out! I’m so glad we have this app to reach out when we need help. I’m struggling too, but I really did lose everything during my last relapse—friends, family, my house, and my 6 children. It can get worse and it does. That was only a two week relapse too! Please hold on.


I try to say that each day…. Imma post it in my room and also at work

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Drink fixed nothing

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Everything AA meeting app :eyes: looking that up right now thank you


Right :muscle:t6:


Ok play the tape forward. If you give in and pick up what is the benefit? Upside? Feel better for a few hours? And if you have admitted Step One or recognized Alcohol is a problem, and stopping is really really hard once you have one. What will happen next? Play it forward to where it usually goes.Be honest with yourself. See it. Tell yourself the Truth! Now! Is that “drink” really worth what you are risking? Can it fix other problems maybe pressing in your life? Unlikely. So Just For Today. Say no. Call a Sober Friend. A Sponsor. A Helpline! Then all the other suggestions! N go to bed, closing Today’s chapter. Tomorrow has a new Promise. A new chance. A Daily Reprieve. There is Hope. Just do that today. Higher Power got you. We got you. Do it. You CAN! Keepin ya in prayers! Sky B​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hibiscus::rainbow::pray:t4:🪶:fire:


Don't do it. The craving passes

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Cellis, I’ve been there many many times even after 15 years of complete sobriety. I always play it out to the bitter end in my head. The hangover, the dread, the jail time, etc., etc. etc..
By doing so, helps me stop the cravings.

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Righto!! Yes! Sky​:smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hibiscus::rainbow::coffee::fire:

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Thank You Everyone!!! From the bottom of my heart… I’m taking all y’all’s suggestions and advice into consideration thought this journey… :heart::heart::heart:

The drink isn’t my sickness, it’s my mind and spiritual health. The drinking was a symptom of my malady. I must keep my higher power close. If I’m struggling with that, I talk to a new comer; early in sobriety I would go to a 5:30 meeting and stay until they kicked me out. Even with some time I get phone numbers every day and call 3 other sober ladies a day ; which some have grown into close friends. Win win.
Give yourself some grace- sometimes it takes everything I have to “just not drink” but if I can go that and do no harm for the day, it was enough for me.

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