I’m feeling weak. It’s been three days. I hate my

I’m feeling weak. It’s been three days. I hate my thoughts. Wish I could shut them off. :pensive::pensive:


They are only thoughts


That is true.

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I think we all wish for that at times. But those hard feelings you are working through are best worked through with a clear mind. I know what it’s like to feel tortured by your thoughts. I wish you peace today


Good morning one of the main things I encourage my sponsors is moving a muscle change of thought. We need to have a defense against the first drink or the first drug.

I think of my head as a cookie jar. When the bad thoughts come in, I shake my head that is moving muscle then I start putting the good thoughts in instead of the bad thoughts that changes the thought, so move a muscle I hope this helps 

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Keep pushing through stay busy dont idle

It gets better, lay down close your eyes place a hand over your heart take a breath! Start talking out loud your thoughts :thought_balloon: meet them with compassion, ask yourself questions what am I running from? Where am I? Play around with this get to know yourself :two_hearts: yes you can get busy but eventually you will have to deal with you. The sooner the better I deal with myself daily every day but this is a tool that helps me.


:pray:for you

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