I’m finally getting back on track after relapsing for awhile

I’m finally getting back on track after relapsing for awhile. I’m doing it on a need to know basis since my parents have never been addicts/alcoholics (some of their siblings have)… is this healthy or should I be open with them? I love them but sometimes they stress me tf out and I have to see them for a minute next week.

Explaining to non addicts is exhausting :sweat_smile: lol


Honesty is part of your recovery

I wouldn’t say anything until you have like 6 months clean. Do they need to know? Is it any of their business? Does it affect them? We need to be honest in all of our affairs, what do you need to blab to everyone? If you’re in a program and you have a Sponsor - of course you would tell them, and your home group. Now if your folks are a part of your recovery, and support you in this area - then I would mention it, but again, not when still “tore up from the floor up” - but after a little time of sobriety.

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You must protect your sobriety at all costs..sometimes we need to love at distance even with family members..your real are those who support you,who encourage you, who accepts you, who identify with you, who love you no matter what happens..remember your sobriety and going through recovery comes first before anything..loving yourself,caring for yourself,being honest with yourself and honest with others..leave behind a legacy that all can remember from generations to generations..amen

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Honesty was apart of recovery for me. That being said, IDK how close you are with your parents to begin with. I personally wouldn’t feel pressed to call up those who are not apart of my daily life and let them in on my personal business. I would be talking with those who are (or could be) supportive, those I need to make amends to, those who have watched me struggle. I wouldn’t hide my reality if it ever came up either.

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