I’m going to give this another try. I was turned

I’m going to give this another try. I was turned off because an individual was aggressive with me because I’m not in recovery. I’m sober by choice. I never had an issue with alcohol, but wanted to meet people who are sober and would like to do sober activities. I don’t think that’s too much to ask.


Sounds great. I accept you. You should not get any grief on here. I welcome you.


Hi, Christine. I'm glad you're back.


Thank you Steve :pray:t3:

Thank you Amanda :pray:t3:

Your very welcome.

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Lol true. :blush:

Welcome to Loosid! Welcome to sobriety! Welcome to friendship! I don’t judge! My door is open. Come in just don’t stand in the doorway


I saw that exchange. Sorry you had to go through that. I'm glad you stuck around! :grin:


Sober by choice too! Even though I am not in recovery I can still struggle sometimes. Only sober people can understand what it’s like to be sober especially being constantly surrounded by people who aren’t. I’m thankful for sober communities


Twelve steps or twelve lashes!! Just kidding. Welcome.


Lol thank you :pray:t3:

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I think we all can relate to each other on many levels. Everyone struggles, it doesn’t have to be alcohol or drugs. People struggle with weight, chronic pain, illness. Which traps them just as bad. It’s the human-ness we need to see in each other. We are no different. Pain, struggle is all relevant. I can relate on some levels. I grew up with an alcoholic, then made bad choices and dated men with addictions. They unfortunately weren’t ready to get sober. To each their own. We chose where we put our energy every day. I think we all learn valuable lessons from each other. You never know what’s going to resonate. :pray:t3:


:joy::joy::joy: well, there’s a whole thread to show you the knucklehead, but my energy doesn’t go there.
Your fortunate my friend, it’s all within you. :pray:t3:

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They took down a lot of it. Which is good. I think it was handled beautifully. I’m not going to let one bad apple ruin it. There are way to many delicious apple trees in here.


:joy::joy::joy: thanks Chris

You’re welcome :innocent:

I too am so er by choice. Idk that I’ll quit forever but right now I don’t want to drink. I’m sorry someone was hard on you when you first joined. We should all be a little kinder to one another. After all, we don’t know their story. Kudos to you for trying again!

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I remember that post. Glad you stayed around.