I’m grateful for getting sleep I’m grateful for my dear friends

I’m grateful for getting sleep
I’m grateful for my dear friends
I’m grateful for my cat atlas cuddling me
I’m grateful to live in a house
I’m grateful for clean water and food
I’m grateful for God in my heart
I’m grateful to have good health and be alive
I’m grateful for ac
I’m grateful for my vehicle running well
I’m grateful for prosperity
I’m grateful I met a nice guy
Im grateful for a loving family


Awesome list, and brought me back to before AA and before I surrendered my life and will over to the care of God. When I couldn't sleep without getting drunk, when I couldn't shut my mind off, and when I was fully enveloped in my alcoholic insanity. I am grateful that I now fall asleep within minutes of my head hitting the pillow every night, and sleeping soundly throughout the night! :pray:t2::sleeping:

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Thank you for saying that! I am so happy that you’re sober and living life! Sleep is such an important factor in the recovery process and I hope to improve that over time with baby steps. I’m glad I could sleep more than just 4 hours last night!!

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It took me working the steps, and finally dumping the wreckage of my past in steps 4 and 5 before exclaiming to my sponsor, "O...M...G!! SLEEP!!" :rofl::rofl::rofl:This was after going to a TON of meetings and finally getting to work on the steps after 6 months of sobriety. I just couldn't turn my brain off. One of the MANY gifts of sobriety!

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Oh BTW, I would highly recommend removing your last name from here. I had someone send me a friend invite on Facebook, and our only interaction was through comments here. It definitely gave me the creeps, but maybe that's just me. I was concerned enough to remove my last name, and simply use my last initial instead. I hope that you don't have that same experience.

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I really appreciate the heads up! I definitely edited my name after hearing that because that’s not what I’m on here for! You’re a good dude! Thanks man :slight_smile:

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There you go, and that's definitely why i told you my experience with using my last name. I try to be a good man every day while attempting to help as many people as possible on a daily basis. One of the MANY gifts of sobriety!